David Scott “Scotty” Holland

Oil Executive and Geologist

Dr. 大卫·斯科特·“斯科蒂”·霍兰德是一名杰出的运动员, a geologist, Korean War veteran, corporate executive, business entrepreneur, petroleum industry leader, and philanthropist. Through his many accomplishments, 他为PG电子游戏带来了巨大的荣誉和认可.

After graduating from Abilene High School in 1949, 在那里他获得了杰出运动员桑顿奖, 霍兰德就读于PG电子游戏,主修足球. 他将自己竞争天性的发展归功于在沃伦·伍德森(Warren Woodson)教练手下踢球, and says that he sees himself as a team player. He has been quoted as saying, “teams are made up of players and leaders, and in most cases, unless a player is able to follow, he will never lead.”

1951年,朝鲜战争爆发后,荷兰的上学时间缩短了. He volunteered for the Air Force, served as an airborne radio operator, and was able to play football for the Air Force team. While in the service, he and his high school sweetheart, the former Jacque Nell Hunter, were married on July 11, 1952.

Following military service in 1954, he entered the University of Texas at Austin, 他于1957年获得地质学学士学位. Upon graduation from the University of Texas, he joined Marathon Oil Company in Midland, Texas, 1966年被Pennzoil公司聘为高级勘探地质学家. From that position, 他在Pennzoil晋升为Pennzoil Exploration and Production Company的总裁兼首席执行官, 他还担任the Pennzoil Company的集团副总裁.

Since retiring from Pennzoil in 1990, 霍兰德扩大了他的创业兴趣,包括大量多样化的持股. These holdings include elements such as banking, oil and gas production, research and development, and agricultural interests. He serves as president of Holland Holding, Inc., Holland Energy, Inc., and Post Oak Petroleum, Inc. He is chairman of Trend Exploration, I, L.L.C., a director of Gather Petroleum Co., 并曾担任休斯顿自然科学博物馆的董事会成员, the Geology Foundation of the University of Texas, Austin, 以及美国石油地质学家协会地质基金会.

在他的职业生涯中,他的日程安排很紧,有很多细节需要处理, 他总是挤出时间来继续参与HSU. 他是HSU发展委员会的前任主席,也是凯利商学院的顾问委员会成员. 他于1983年获得杰出校友奖, 于1990年获大颁授名誉法学博士学位, 并于2002年获得基特校友服务奖. 他是HSU校长俱乐部的终身会员,也是音乐学院基金会的前成员. 他一直积极领导许多HSU的筹款活动. 1977年,他和雅克慷慨地建立了捐赠荷兰地质学奖学金基金.

2000年,荷兰为哈佛大学科学与数学学院设立了一项重大捐赠基金. In recognition of their generous gift, 这所学校现在被称为荷兰科学与数学学院.

Holland has shared not only financially with HSU, 但他也把时间花在了学生的成长上. 他定期与荷兰科学与数学学院的学生会面, during their field trips. 他为学生们安排了一次去休斯敦自然历史博物馆的旅行, 亲自带他们参观他参与设计的能源展览.

In the oil industry, Holland looks at long-term strategies, 而不是短期解决问题,并将这一理念扩展到他的慈善事业中. 他认为自己对学生教育的贡献是帮助他们“开始自己的人生”的一种方式.他认为,他对PG电子官方免费下载和地质系的支持,可以让他把时间和金钱回馈给自己的地质学专业,回馈给未来的年轻人.

霍兰德表达了一种通过努力帮助他人成长的外在关注. “年轻人需要意识到的是,他们需要通过努力工作来磨练技术专长. 今天很多人认为他们所要做的就是接受教育,未来就是他们的. That’s not true. You have to apply your knowledge through hard work.”

Scotty and Jacque have two sons, David, Jr., and Terry. They have been described as “very common folks,“住在他们在休斯顿住了多年的房子里,当时他们可以负担得起更豪华的生活. 正是这种共性让斯科蒂·霍兰德与众不同.